Environmental Responsibility

General Dynamics Is Committed To Reducing Our Global Environmental Impact

We promote the long-term sustainability of our company for our customers, employees and shareholders by identifying ways to reduce our environmental impact while continuing to deliver quality services and products. This commitment is shared at all levels of our business.

We regularly evaluate how our business strategy comports with our goal of maintaining sustainable environmental practices over the long term. We seek to protect the environment by improving operating efficiency, lowering costs, minimizing waste and emissions, reducing the use of fossil fuels, and ensuring that we remain compliant with applicable environmental laws and regulations in a way that enhances long-term shareholder value.

Companywide Collaboration

Each of our businesses has professionally-run Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) programs to ensure our facilities operate safely and comply with company programs and practices to prevent any environmental impacts. Each business identifies risks and opportunities and develops annual objectives to drive continuous improvement in EHS performance.

We have an active EHS committee that includes experts from each General Dynamics business unit. This group is dedicated to promoting a safety- and environment-conscious culture across the company, monitoring and continuously ensuring compliance with laws, regulations and corporate policies. 

Our Approach

2024 environmental highlights

As part of our commitment to environmental management, more than 60 of our sites operate under ISO 14001, a voluntary certification of international standards that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS). 

Our approach to protecting the environment is built around these objectives:

  • Operate our facilities in compliance with applicable laws and regulations in order to protect the health and safety of our employees, surrounding communities and the environment

  • Reduce carbon emissions

  • Reuse, recycle and minimize the use of natural resources

  • Drive out solid waste from our manufacturing processes

  • Integrate environmental considerations into business planning and decisions, including design, procurement, production, facilities management and product support

  • Promote a workplace in which employees carry a sense of personal responsibility for protecting the environment

  • Work with our customers to meet their environmental needs and goals, and manage suppliers consistent with our environmental compliance and management programs

  • Maintain a management system for environmental matters at each business unit that is designed to voluntarily meet internationally accepted standards.


Climate Resiliency and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Strategy. We recognize the importance of addressing climate change. As a result, we identify and mitigate climate-related risks within our existing risk management framework and promote continuous improvement across our global operations. We look for opportunities to create efficiencies, develop sustainable products and services, and invest in technologies that reduce the carbon footprint of our business and our customers. Our decentralized business model and diverse lines of business across multiple states and countries enable each business to develop its own set of operating objectives to reduce GHG emissions. We strive to offer transparency about our environmental impact, as well as our actions to lessen those impacts. We participate in the CDP (formerly known as the Climate Disclosure Project) Climate Change questionnaire, a disclosure mechanism for companies to provide information to their stakeholders regarding sustainability performance, governance, and management of climate risks and opportunities. 

Governance. Our board focuses its oversight on material risks and opportunities, including those related to sustainability matters . The Sustainability Committee provides oversight of corporate sustainability management and practices, including those related to environmental impact and climate change. Management is accountable to the board, and incorporates economic, environmental and social considerations in its decision-making to support the company’s operational strategy. 

Managing Climate Risk. We manage risks associated with climate change within our comprehensive risk management process, led by senior management and overseen by the board. The board focuses on the most significant current and emerging risks facing the company, including environmental risks that could have a substantive financial or strategic impact. Under our comprehensive framework, senior management, including business unit leadership, is responsible for day-to-day risk management since they are best positioned to understand their local climate and environmental risks. The CEO and senior management team keep the board and its committees informed throughout the year, as needed, on specific risks facing the company, including environmental risks. We consider potential climate change hazards, such as severe weather events and sea level rise, within our risk management framework. For example, each of our shipyards monitor the threats of tidal flooding and rising sea levels. Select climate risks and opportunities are detailed in our CDP response, which is available on our website

Progress Toward Our Target. We have committed to a companywide target of reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 40% by 2034, from a 2019 base year. The target was developed using standards articulated by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and is aligned with efforts to limit global temperature increase to well below 2 degrees Celsius. Since our 2019 base year, we have reduced our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 6%. 

Our strategy to achieve our emissions reduction target is aligned with our decentralized business model. We leverage each BU’s knowledge of its market, customer base and supply chain. Accordingly, each BU follows its own emissions reduction path that aligns with the overall companywide target. Each BU’s approach is tailored to the specific operational needs and customer demands of its business. These pathways consist of initiatives such as energy efficiency projects, procuring renewable energy and fuel switching, among others. 

line graph of emissions over time and chart with absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions  

As a government contractor, our ability to meet our emissions targets depends in part on our customers’ conduct and direction. For example, some of our contracts specify the manner, means or place of performance in ways that constrain our ability to reduce GHG emissions associated with contract performance. In other instances, we perform work at government-owned facilities, where emissions may be attributable to us under disclosure protocols but where we have limited or no ability to change relevant aspects of the facility.

We regularly assess our progress in reducing GHG emissions and evaluate our emissions reduction target to consider whether it remains the most effective measure of our performance. Factors such as organic business growth, the increasingly complex global threat environment, and changes in the renewable energy market, among others, influence our progress. Our ongoing assessments aim to ensure that our climate goals remain ambitious yet achievable, adapting to both internal and external changes.

Since our 2019 baseline, we have consistently decreased our carbon intensity of MT CO2e emissions per million dollars of revenue year over year. In 2023, our carbon intensity was reduced to a record low. We decreased our carbon intensity by 2% year over year, even while increasing our manufacturing capacity. Overall, we have decreased our carbon intensity by 13% since 2019.

This trend indicates that our business operations are becoming more efficient over time, even as our business continues to grow. These efficiencies are realized through activities such as switching fuel sources, increasing efficiencies in our manufacturing process and utilizing renewable energy credits.


Reducing Scope 3 Emissions

Because we are a government contractor, many Scope 3 emissions attributable to our company under relevant protocols, both upstream and downstream, are driven by policy choices made by our government customers. For example, armored fighting vehicles, which are built to specifications meant to ensure they function as intended on the battlefield, have emission consequences that are outside of our control. Similarly, government procurement requirements often prescribe specific attributes for the supply chain — such as participation of small business, country of origin and other requirements — that have consequences for GHG emissions from our supply base. For reasons such as these, we are currently unable to accurately measure or set a target for indirect emissions across our entire value chain.

Where feasible, we apply our established continuous improvement process to reducing Scope 3 emissions. Most notable are our efforts to reduce emissions throughout the lifecycle of the business jets we manufacture, with five clean-sheet aircraft models introduced over the past seven years. We do this by focusing our research and development efforts on achieving better efficiency and fuel performance, working to have our aircraft use sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in their operations, and making carbon offsets and book-and-claim services available to our customers. Gulfstream's next-generation fleet of aircraft offers fuel-efficiency gains as much as 33% over predecessor models. 

At multiple sites across the company, employees are offered the opportunity to participate in alternative transportation incentive programs that offer public transportation pass discounts and fuel cost subsidies for vanpool participants.

Many of our BUs have codes of conduct for suppliers that specify environmental standards, among other criteria. For example, Gulfstream’s supplier code of conduct requires suppliers to have an EHS system to actively manage risk while protecting the environment and conserving natural resources.



Sustainable Aviation Fuel

We are a leader in expanding the use and availability of SAF in business aviation.

SAF is a low-carbon fuel blend made from agricultural waste and petroleum-based Jet A fuel, with less sulfur and fewer fine particle pollutants than traditional Jet A. Both Gulfstream and Jet Aviation have made SAF a top priority for their customers. On a gallon-for-gallon basis across the lifecycle, SAF can achieve a nearly 80% reduction in CO2 emissions relative to petroleum Jet A. The renewable fuel meets the strict sustainability requirements of both the U.S. EPA and the internationally recognized Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB).

Gulfstream was the first business jet aircraft manufacturer to use SAF in daily operations and is supporting new technologies to help the industry get to 100% SAF. Jet Aviation has led the services market in offering access to sustainable fuel for operators of Gulfstream and other business jets. It was the first supplier to offer SAF via a blended fuel option at Van Nuys Airport in 2019 and the first to offer SAF at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Switzerland in 2020. The company supplied SAF to WEF attendees again in 2024. Jet Aviation also provides SAF at its Bozeman, Montana; Scottsdale, Arizona; Amsterdam and Singapore facilities. Since 2019, Jet Aviation has uplifted more than 11 million gallons of blended SAF to customers.

Jet Aviation also offers a “Book & Claim” program that broadens access to SAF while avoiding the need to transport it physically. Customers worldwide can place orders for SAF, after which the volume is tracked and verified, and a certificate of credit for carbon reduction is issued. This promotes production and future availability of SAF for any customer at any time, even in locations where SAF is not yet available.

Both Gulfstream and Jet Aviation are signatories to the World Economic Forum’s Clean Skies for Tomorrow 2030 Ambition Statement. Among the program’s aims are accelerating the supply and availability of SAF so it can reach 10% of the global jet aviation fuel supply by 2030.

Gulfstream and Jet Aviation collaborate with many associations to advance the aviation industry’s goal of achieving net-zero by 2050. We are a member of more than 13 industry associations and initiatives, including the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and the International Aerospace Environmental Group (IAEG), among others.

Gulfstream Completes World's First Trans-Atlantic Flight on 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Accomplished on November 19, 2023, the flight took place on a Gulfstream G600 aircraft and was powered by Pratt & Whitney PW815GA engines using 100% SAF. This mission showcases the potential for aviation’s future use of renewable fuels, which feature lower carbon, sulfur and aromatics. The data collected from this endurance flight will help Gulfstream and its key suppliers gauge aircraft compatibility with future low-aromatic renewable fuels, particularly under cold temperatures for extended flight durations. 

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Image from the Landsat 8 satellite, which Mission Systems supports for NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey

Sustainability Products and Services

Many of the products and services we deliver directly enable our government customers to better understand and manage the environment.

For instance, Mission Systems provides climate-related product and service offerings to the Department of the Interior’s U.S. Geological Survey, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). These include specially engineered instruments and communications devices for observation satellites, including the Landsat constellation, which collects data on forests, farms, urban areas and freshwater on the planet. Leaders from across the globe use freely available Landsat data to better understand environmental change, manage agricultural practices, allocate scarce water resources, respond to natural disasters and more. 

GDIT’s  federal portfolio includes programs supporting the EPA and other environmentally focused organizations. These services include consulting in environmental sciences and  public health and support of the Western Climate Initiative, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and other EPA initiatives, including its flagship energy-efficiency ENERGY STAR program. 

AbramsX in front of building

Hybrid-Electric Vehicles

General Dynamics Land Systems is investing in research and development of hybrid-electric-drive combat vehicle concepts that support the U.S. Army’s climate and electrification strategies. The AbramsX, StrykerX and TRX robotic combat vehicle technology demonstrators, debuted at the AUSA 2022 trade show, feature all or some of the following potential capability enhancements:

  • Better mobility and transportability via reduced weight
  • Extended silent watch
  • Silent mobility
  • Reduced fuel consumption — 50% less for the same tactical range
  • Electric-only turret operation
  • Exportable electric power
  • Improved acceleration

Land Systems is continuing its electrification innovation by investing in hybrid-electric technology that could be retrofitted to the existing fleets of armed forces around the world. Land Systems’ growing family of robotic vehicles, including the TRX and S-MET, also rely on electric propulsion.

Mitigating Ecological Impact

Energy Management

We take steps at each location to mitigate the environmental effects of day-to-day operations and manufacturing processes. This includes making efforts to reduce our energy consumption. As a large industrial manufacturer, we are able to leverage both our scale and our innovative processes to drive energy efficiency and promote the transition to clean sources of energy. 

In 2023, Bath Iron Works’ main shipyard procured carbon-free electricity products, sourced primarily from nuclear generation, to cover 100% of its electricity consumption. The agreement reduced its Scope 2 emissions by 21,288 MT CO2e.


Water and Wastewater Management

We demonstrate responsible and sustainable use of water by endeavoring to obtain freshwater and discharge treated wastewater without negatively affecting aquatic ecosystems. For example, Electric Boat captures all industrial wastewater from its facility in Quonset Point, Rhode Island, for offsite treatment and disposal rather than releasing it into the sanitary sewer system. Each year, more than 100,000 gallons of industrial wastewater are treated before being released back into the sewer system or sea.

To safeguard precious groundwater sources, we rigorously ensure compliance with federal and state regulations, including the EPA’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action Program. Since the inception of this program in 1985, we have sampled, monitored and remediated impacted soil and groundwater at facilities throughout the United States, resulting in the remediation of tens of thousands of tons of impacted soils and millions of gallons of impacted groundwater.


Waste and Hazardous Materials Management

We seek to minimize the generation of  solid waste by recovering and recycling raw materials where feasible and disposing of unrecyclable waste in a sustainable manner and in accordance with the strictest waste disposal standards.

waste data charts

Business Spotlight

Jet Aviation to provide Sustainable Aviation Fuel during the World Economic Forum 2024

Jet Aviation to provide Sustainable Aviation Fuel during the World Economic Forum 2024

Jet Aviation secured a supply of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for visitors during the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2024. This is the second time Jet Aviation has provided on-site SAF in Zurich for visitors to WEF in partnership with Zurich Airport.

Read more on jetaviation.com

Supercomputers Dogwood and Cactus

GDIT Expands NOAA Supercomputing Capacity for Advanced National Weather Forecasting

GDIT expanded the computing capacity of twin supercomputers, Dogwood and Cactus, by 20%. The expansion will enable the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service to provide more detailed weather forecasts.

Read more on gdit.com

NASSCO and the Environment Video

NASSCO Mitigates Environmental Impact

As a member of San Diego’s Working Waterfront, NASSCO is committed to mitigating its environmental impact through initiatives focused on preventing pollution, reducing waste and lowering emissions while increasing efficiency in the yard.

Read more on nassco.com 

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