Supporting Communities

We Support Educational, Social, Civic And Arts Organizations In Our Communities

images of GD employees in the community

Although our company spans continents, we never lose sight of the communities where we live and work. Our businesses invest in and promote involvement at the local level to make our communities better — whether through improving education and social services; promoting health, arts and culture; supporting policies to strengthen our national security; helping those in need; or assisting veterans and their families.

Community Investment

Each business unit participates in community outreach and support efforts that align with local community needs. Employees choose programs and organizations to support based on what is important to them. Then they organize the donation of time, goods and services. Some of our community service partnerships include local chapters of the United Way and the YMCA, or organizations like Jill’s House in the D.C. metro area, which celebrates and provides support for children with special needs and their families. 

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Bath Iron Works employees conduct an annual Feed the Hungry food drive, with proceeds supporting the Bath Area Food Bank and Bath Area Kitchen Table, providing meals and supplies to hundreds of individuals and families in need. 

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Gulfstream implemented a new giving program called "Gulfstream of Good," where employees can donate to nonprofit organizations of their choice and the company will match their donations. Charitable giving to date through the program has totaled more than $1.5 million. 

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Employees mentor students in Ohio State University's engineering technology program, hosting visits to GD facilities to demonstrate how we integrate STEM into jobs.

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General Dynamics supports the Corporate Angels Networks, whose mission is to transport cancer patients to necessary hospitals for specialized treatment. For more than 30 years, we've paired available corporate flights with qualified patients at no cost to the patients or their families. 

Educational Outreach

General Dynamics employees participate in educational outreach and support, volunteering their time, talent and expertise to teach and train future members of the workforce. They participate in activities such as leading robotics clubs and music programs, and mentoring college students and interns. We also participate in the National Merit Scholarship Program, which awards scholarships to children of General Dynamics employees annually.


FIRST Robotics team GDMS-Canada  young student in Gulfstream's flight simulator during its Pilot for a Day program

Supporting Service Members

General Dynamics proudly supports active military and veteran families by providing financial support to a number of nonprofit organizations that work toward improving the quality of life for veterans and others through their programs and social contributions. 

We are a proud sponsor of: 

  • Sentinels of Freedom, which provides severely wounded post-9/11 veterans with comprehensive personal support
  • AUSA Army Ten-Miler, which raises funds for the Army Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation program 
  • National Military Family Association, which strives to enhance the quality of life for military families 
  • Semper Fi Fund, which provides urgently needed resources and support for combat-wounded, critically ill and catastrophically injured service members and their families  

Learn more about our veteran recruiting efforts

Providing Support Throughout the Pandemic

NASSCO employees in shipyard wearing masks Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve focused on protecting our employees and doing what we can to serve our communities. We provide timely communication to our workforce, including posting COVID-19 daily news roundups; updating just-in-time protocols; supplying wellness kits, face coverings, hand sanitizers, lens wipes and reference cards; and consolidating relevant links and materials into a COVID-19 Information Resource Center.

Because most of our work is designated as part of national critical infrastructure, the vast majority of our employees continued to work to fulfill our obligations to national security, even as other employers suspended operations. Our top executives remained on the job and in their offices, on the shop floors or on the deckplates.

We responded to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in an all-encompassing manner:


We quickly implemented measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other relevant authorities to provide safe working environments.


We advanced more than $2 billion in accelerated cash payments to our suppliers to ensure they could meet their financial obligations, especially to their employees.


We worked directly with the federal government to rush our stocks of personal protective equipment (PPE) to first responders around the country where they were most needed, all at our expense. General Dynamics also made financial donations across its business units to charities, hospitals, COVID-19 relief funds, health foundations, food banks and other nonprofits as they responded to the impacts of the pandemic.

We partnered with the Business Roundtable and the United Way in America’s Mask Challenge, which challenged American companies and organizations to help put masks in the hands of students, teachers and staff in schools across America. The Challenge helped support 7,563 schools from 165 school districts, providing 27.8 million masks to 5.6 million students, teachers and staff in Title I schools across America. As part of this Challenge, General Dynamics funded the donation and distribution of masks to students, teachers and staff in every school in Fairfax County, Virginia, a community in which many GD employees and their families live and work.

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